How to open a RAR file?

Open rar file with our free online rar file extractor.
  • Step 1: Select a .rar file and upload it using form below.
  • Step 2: Wait until the process of extraction has been completed.
  • Step 3: Download the extracted files.

Upload file

Please use the form below to extract the contents of your .rar file. This will allow you to access and view the files from the archive.


The online service provided on this website is completely free of charge. There are no hidden costs or fees associated with using our web-app.
Easy and Convenient
Our online website provides a hassle-free solution for extracting the contents of RAR files without the need for any additional software installation.
Secure and Private
We prioritize the privacy and security of our users' core. All RAR file extraction processes are conducted over a secure connection to safeguard your files and personal information.
Cross-Platform Compatibility
Access our website and extract RAR files from any device with an internet connection, including Mac, Windows, Linux, iPhone or Android.
File Preview
Our website offers a file preview feature that allows you to preview the contents of a RAR file before extraction, helping you identify and select specific files for extraction.
Multiple RAR Formats
Our website supports various versions of the RAR file format, ensuring compatibility with files compressed using different compression algorithms.

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